Is this the right way?

Hey All !

Today, just to find out how people give matrimonial ads in newspaper I decided to check out HT Matrimony. I was going through the ads and one very common thing which I found is along with all the details about persons height, age, caste, family background etc. a numerical figure income" appeared in all the ads. I was kind off disappointed on why would people like to "select" the partner on the basis of money they earn. But may be the world works that way. Not me. Is it really important to give how much you earn when u r wanting to marry? Are they looking for a business partner or a life partner? I understand that financial stabilty is a good thing to keep your family happy but earning 1 million PA won't give someone happiness in the relationship. I dont know why so many people get married. I believe that one should not get married rather than having a bad marriage. After all is it so importnt to be with the 'right' person. Agree?


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